THE HOLIDAYS ARE UPON US… anyone else feel like you’re already running around like “chickens with our heads cut-off?” Don’t answer that, it was rhetorical. Hahaha!
This can be a stressful time of year for anyone; traveling, making arrangements, cooking food for guests, cleaning our homes for guests (hence why I don’t host holidays at my house), shopping like maniacs, and of course the cherry-on-top is good ole family drama. However, we often fail to think about how this is the time of year that we plan on overeating. All the while, thinking and hoping, “gosh, I hope I don’t gain too much weight during the holiday season!”
Those New Year’s Resolutions are forthcoming, aren’t they? How many of you love/hate that feeling of being too full after Thanksgiving Dinner? Or think to yourself, who has time to go to the gym with so much to do?
The answer is, find out where your priorities are. It’s true, “failing to plan, is planning to fail.” I encourage you to create a holiday eating gameplan. This is where you will take a few moments to sit down and think about what will be offered on Thursday for dinner, then decide if that is what you should eat or not. This plan can easily be reused or adapted later for Christmas. The truth is, Thanksgiving can be the easiest holiday to maneuver through since most of traditional foods are poultry, wild game, roots, and veggies - well, that’s at least how we do it in the south!
Let me encourage you, NEVER feel ashamed to explain to a family member (someone that loves you, right?) that you are trying to change your life and that’s why you brought some food for just you or to explain why you are not eating their food. The keys to surviving the holidays are; be prepared, do not find yourself alone with the food – especially the desserts, and make going to the gym or doing a recreational activity a family event. I asked my cousin to go to the gym with me last month sometime. I wanted to make sure that was booked!
A lady in my office hates when I say this, but just think to yourself, “after we gobble, let’s go wobble!” That could manifest itself as taking a walk around the neighborhood, shopping (yes, Black Friday shopping!!!), or playing some football in the front yard.
Let’s be determined to enjoy the holiday for its real reasons, not suffering the consequences of over indulging ourselves.
During this season of thanks, I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, I am thankful for you!!! Thank you again for coming along on this journey with me, almost three years strong!
Happy Thanksgiving Yawl!!!
Joshua "Bubba" Wade
No Fluff. All Buff.
Fitness. Wellness. Lifestyle.
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