Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ran My First 5k and it was AWESOME!

Have you ever participated in a 5k run before? Me NEITHER! Well… not until this past Saturday night!

Let me tell ya, It wasn't just an ordinary 5k either. The 5k I picked for my first one was a night-time glow-in-the-dark color run. It was one of the coolest experiences I have had since losing a lot of my weight.

Saturday afternoon, four friends and myself made our way down to Dinwiddie, Virginia, a small community south-west of Richmond. When I got there they gave me a packet of race swag, which included an official race t-shirt to wear. At the pre-race party we were showered with paint while the music in the background was bumping and freebies (like glow-in-the-dark jewelry) were thrown from the stage. Throughout the race, there were stations set up with misters and more paint… which yes, was thrown on us! WAHOO!!! They had to ensure that we became more colorful as the race progressed. After the race, we were given additional glow packs (dry paint) that they could throw at their discretion. There was also an after-race party where participants were showered with even more paint and given more freebies.

However, things did not go quite as planned with the run. We were still showered with dry-paint at the pre-race party, but a number of storms blew through dumping a great deal of water, voracious lightning, some hail, and large amounts of gusty wind. Now I can say, regardless of rain, lightning, or hail I finished my first run and weathered all of the elements. And I love every second of it!!!

Next time, yawl have to come with me?!

Joshua "Bubba" Wade
No Fluff. All Buff.
Fitness. Wellness. Lifestyle.

Be sure to follow me on Social Media!

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